
Presidential Sex. Makin’ Presidential Woopee

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The news is filled with stories about Donald Trump’s sexual escapades with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal to name but two. He is being judged and berated for cheating on his wife. I am no fan of Donald Trump. I recognize there may be some issues as to breach of campaign finance laws in the payments to women. No president has ever suffered lasting political damage just for adultery. Cover-up is a different story.

When looking at the 20th-century, the list of adulterous presidents is not short. There was Bill Clinton. Gerry Ford favoured young women while skiing out west. Lyndon Johnson, was notorious for pride in his genitalia. He held meetings with senior officials while he was on the toilet or otherwise and often was exposed. Lyndon Johnson was sexually active outside of his marriage. There was John Kennedy. From all accounts he was an unapologetic sexual predator of olympic appetites. He was preceded by FDR, like the others on this list, he had several mistresses both before and during their time in the White House. Before him, Warren Harding was involved with mistresses in the White House closets. Other than Clinton, and now Trump, the rest carried on with little or no public scrutiny or outcry.

In the 19th century Thomas Jefferson was sexually active with his slaves. Forty Nine year-old President Grover Cleveland married his 21-year-old ward, daughter of his deceased partner, whose estate he administered.

None of this activity seems to have prevented most of these men from accomplishing great things and being good leaders. It may have even helped. Those who did not succeed were not hindered by their extramarital activity.

People want bold and dynamic leaders. In order to succeed in politics you generally need to be an A-type personality. They are more often than not, best suited to deal with domestic and foreign enemies in dangerous and high-stakes games. That type of personality often brings with it some less than appealing personality traits manifesting in thought and action.

Had the behaviour of those leaders been public and judged based on standards of today’s political correctness and in the light of the internet, these men would be seen as the social and sexual transgressors that they were. I personally do not judge them, but then I can understand how a vast majority want their leaders to be role models.

There were many great presidents who were married and stayed faithful to their wives. Likewise there were failures as presidents who were faithful to their marriages. It may make a difference to those whose expectations of their presidents include high moral standards. There is no evidence that commitment to their marriages affected their success or failure anymore than it did the sexually aggressive and predatory presidents.

The problem with Trump is the lies and cover-up. He also is seen by many as sleazy given the attitude he expressed on the Billy Bush tape. He is crass and creepy. Trump’s public bragging of his sexual exploits and prowess cannot be compared to any other president. There are very few ways, if any, by which Trump could be compared to any other president.

When it comes to Presidential sex, whether Democrats, Republicans, Federalist, or Whigs, there is no evidence that it affects one’s ability to do the job.


Trump Wants Out, or Should

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Something tells me Donald Trump has buyer’s remorse. He certainly doesn’t look like he’s having fun at this job. It is to borrow a phrase “a shit hole of a job” compared to his old one. He did what he wanted, everybody listened to him and sucked up to him. There was no investigation into his complicated ties with Russian money and other possible sources of blackmail. There may have been talk of him as a sexual predator, but it wasn’t widely known outside of the Howard Stern constituency. There was not the scrutiny of his personal and financial life that he could not control.

I do not get the sense he enjoys dealing with the issues of government. He certainly doesn’t understand how government works and expresses his continual frustration about the people around him and the functioning of the government.

There must be days when he thinks to himself:   What do I need this for? I’m over 70 years old. Whether it’s true or not, I believe I’m a rich man with a nice life. People did what I told them to do. I did what I wanted to do. And nobody bothered me. I had my own airplane, furnished more luxuriously than the one I now use. An apartment and other homes that cause me to refer to the White House as a dump

As the threat of the exposure of his financial, personal, and political entanglements of he and his family with Russia becomes more certain, he will look for next strategy. I predict a health crisis which forces him to resign and get back to his old life.

He is one of the few men who has held the White House who really seems to get little or no enjoyment out of the job. All that’s important to Trump is Trump. And Donald Trump appears to be a joyless man in a joyless job. On his exit he will be happier; America will be happier; and the world will be happier.

Maybe America Should Have Stayed with Britain

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Those colonists loyal to King George III, left America to form my home, Canada.

I have always  admired much about the United States. Although democracy is never perfect, America flourished in their newly created country founded on freedom and liberty. I respected and appreciated America’s commitment to defend democracy and liberty around the world. They are the richest country on the planet.

Even before Trump polarized and focused America and the world’s attention on the strength or weakness of America’s democracy and social values, Trump has attacked the institutions and values that make America great. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are the cornerstones of American democracy and liberty.

Trump aside, some have begun to question America’s place as a leader and beacon for truth, fairness, justice, freedom and liberty. I look to Canada, and most of the civilized world to find universal healthcare. The world’s richest country, U.S.A, is without universal healthcare, or even meaningful healthcare while arguing about less.

Here we have political discourse which is generally civil and productive. I haven’t seen that in the United States since before Gingrich became speaker. What has followed is a continual obstructionism by both parties.

In Canada, again like most of the civilized world, we have sane and effective gun laws. Americans have to recognize that the Second Amendment was drafted in the 18th century in a different reality. Countries with more restrictive gun laws have far fewer gun deaths.

I still love America and believe the spirit of the best of the U.S.A, is the envy of the world. I, however, have realized that Americans may have been better off had they remained part of Great Britain as a colony, Dominion, member of the Commonwealth and an independent country. Chances are good that our neighbors to the south would have universal healthcare, sane gun laws, and a degree of civil, respectful and productive political discourse, with a democracy that never sunk this low.

Don’t Forget Who He Is.

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Trump was sent to Washington to shake things up. A reaction to the voters anger from both parties at the governing class.

Today he spoke at the United Nations. He did what no other president has done. He attacked America’s enemies. He said the things that many Americans felt needed to be said.

He has shaken up government. He has attacked the leadership of both parties and has admonished them quite accurately for their failures and lack of accomplishment. When the GOP wouldn’t cooperate and come through, he turned to the Democrats. He doesn’t have an ideology.

These are admirable accomplishments. One must however, remember that this is a lying, pathological, misogynist degenerate.

It is unfortunate that the electorate had no other choice but the governing class they rejected or a corrupt con man.

Why Trump Really Won

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Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton had less to do with the results of the election, than the voters of both parties anger at the governing class.

Voters were tired of the less than transparent conduct by the White House and Congress treating us like the audience of a reality TV show. Create a fantasy world, conflict, tension and keep the audience entertained.

America’s voters were fed up with a directionless government which took care of themselves before they took care of the American people. They were tired of the deadlock in Washington and nothing getting done.

Patients had run out for the governing class. Those who made their lives politics. Public service was seen by the people as a ticket to all the money made available by Citizens United.

The Democratic candidate was a member of the governing class. All of those Republicans who stood on the early stages of the campaign were members of the governing class. Trump was not. He capitalized on that anger and spoke out loud all of the fear and hate of the ugly underbelly of America.

That is what elected Donald Trump.

Why are The One %

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There appears to be a consensus that 1% of the population controls 99% of the wealth. That is the problem at the root of conflict in the world.

Out of all the problems humankind faces, this is the most inane situation certainly on this planet and probably the rest of the universe.

How can people suffer every day from the fear that financial survival in this world demands? While the resources exist to alleviate 99% of it.

It’s not just the poor and disadvantaged, whose mere existence is an insult and stain on humanity. Most people, even the moderate to reasonably well-to-do, have to struggle with financial survival every day.

We live in a world that appears to be deteriorating around us, as infrastructure is a politicians low priority until it breaks. Federal and local governments around the world have lacked the resources to maintain or replace them. We lack the resources to provide the basic services that we need in this modern society. Governments, like most people, must deal with the pain of choosing priorities in accordance with their financial abilities.

Why? Why? Why?

The resources exist to deal with these issues in a way that eases life and makes it more fair for everyone.

The weight of history, has over the centuries distributed some of the great wealth held by the few amongst the rest of the population. The 1% has counted on control of the military and political scenery to maintain this balance. In this modern world it is unlikely that this is the case. Instant mass communication depending on how it is used may be the saviour or the downfall of humankind.

But the scale is starting to tip the other way. The pressure on society to find another way to keep score and fairly manage resources will meet head-on with a deteriorating society. It is hard to imagine that the flow of history will be stopped.

But for the moment we live in a bizarre world. All but the privileged few, under financial pressure from governments to the people. Meanwhile 1% of the population controls 99% of the wealth.



Donald Trump is Winning?

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Donald Trump promised to bring his business experience to government.

As the head of his own personal corporation he had absolute control over all of the employees and minions who fawned over him while he praised himself and abused them. Opposition was crushed. As a self promoter he controlled because no one was better than him. No one but him could do it.

People expressed their loyalty and showed it by doing what he wanted them to do. If you ran afoul of him, he was vicious, undisciplined, and childish as he is now.

He’s really neither Republican nor a Democrat and can play both against the other. He’s positioned himself to break the deadlock that has plagued Congress for many administrations.

That is how he sees government and himself. He is the absolute undisputed head of the organization and demands complete loyalty.  Business and government legalities didn’t frighten him. They don’t now that this man is president.

Donald Trump is relentlessly attacking the Free Press. He’s running the presidency like a reality TV show. Pump up the action, create conflict and controversy, and keep the audience entertained.

He is taking action to intimidate the press and other politicians into doing his will. He is a pathological liar who believes what he says. He deflects attacks by aggrandizing himself and attacking others.

He seems to be winning. He seems to be successful in intimidating politicians, Government employees staff and the public.

The legal parameters of any Presidency, have always been what you could get away with.

I personally think Donald Trump has some severe personality disorders and mental illness and is not fit, in fact is dangerous to American the world. He is the same misogynist predator who took advantage of many women. Ran up debt. Stuck it to the little guy, and walked off with his pockets jingling.

I like most citizens of the world look on in shock that this man is the President of the United States. The problem is, so far, he’s gotten away with it. Sure the fake news made a big deal of it. He knew the truth because he made it up. It’s like the Emperor’s New Clothes except everybody’s talking about it but nobody’s doing anything about it.

It just creeps up on you. The bullying and intimidation. Everyone except his family is fair game. Congress and Scotus seem to be towing the line. The freedoms will slowly disappear. Free speech and the truth are his enemies. He will subvert both the Democrats and Republicans and play them against each other. Everyone seems to be afraid to confront or run afoul of him.

Trump truly believes that he knows better than anyone else and is the only one who can do the job. That’s one of the hallmarks of a dictator. America better be very vigilant or you will wake up one morning and realize that it’s too late for free speech, truth and democracy.

Fear and hate are the currency he uses to excite his base. They are the thugs who will silence those who oppose Trump.

Meanwhile he goes on in the cloud that is Donald Trump imitating Mussolini (who I think he resembles in his facial expressions when he speaks at his rallies) and other dictators who plagued society.

Somebody do something soon! Before it is too late!

Government is Not a Business

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Donald Trump came to power promising to apply his business experience to running the government. Forget for a moment the realities of his business experience which lack ethics. Consider his modus operandi of using debt and bankruptcy to profit at the expense of the hard-working small businessmen who worked for him. Government is not a business.

The principles of running a business do not apply and do not work in running a government.

In business Trump was the boss. He could do whatever he wanted to do. His only considerations were making money and building his brand. There was little or no room for dissenting opinions. If he didn’t like the job you were doing, you were fired. His only constituency was himself, his family and his businesses.

Government doesn’t have a bottom-line. Healthcare and Education are investments whose success are not measured in dollars and cents. It is measured in the lives that are saved and enhanced. Government is always an exercise in pay it forward. It is measured in the social and scientific advancements which save lives and make lives in the world better.

Government in the free world democracies is a process of balance and compromise. This is not a characteristic often found in running businesses. Government is the process of debating the social and political issues to try and come to a consensus that improves the life of the nation and its citizens.

Government is there to give voice to the disenfranchised. One of the best examples is Lyndon Johnson. His success with Medicaid, his war on poverty, civil rights and voting rights, are proof that government can make a significant difference in people’s lives. if not for Lyndon Johnson it is doubtful that Barack Obama would have become president. Without Lyndon Johnson he may not be able to vote.

Government exists for entirely different reasons than a business. It has different goals, responsibilities, and methods. It success is measured in markedly different ways and with significantly different criteria than a business.

Trump and his administration are clear proof that businessmen are not suited to govern using business principles and methods. It has been a disaster for Trump, America, and the world.

The drama and infighting between Trump and the members of his administration are further proof that you cannot operate as president in the same way you run your own business. The public nature of government is a far cry from the behind closed doors autocratic style which works in business.

Trump clearly does not understand this. American democracy is paying the price. Never in the history of the United States of America has the nation been held in such low esteem by the rest of the world. Not since the Revolutionary war has America faced such a threat to their democracy, as they do today.

Americans have to restore the kind of government that puts the people first. The GOP needs to grow a pair of patriotic balls and take back American democracy.




The Birth of Tyranny

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I was born in the early 50s. World War II seemed like distant history. In studying the 1930s and 40s I wondered how a Hitler or Mussolini could take over a civilized democracy. Now I know.

Putin certainly helped. Donald Trump found fertile ground in the ugly underbelly of America’s lowest common denominator. Those who stayed home in 2016 allowed Trump and Putin to hijack American democracy.

Trump is behaving like a dictator following the Tyrant’s Handbook for Dummies to the letter. He along with the GOP Congress and Scotus seem bent on reversing and destroying the social and political gains of the last 200 years.

In six months, Trump and the GOP have managed to bring America to its lowest point in  history in the eyes of the world ever. America has given up its leadership of the free world. No longer a beacon for democracy and freedom, America has become a bad and scary joke to the rest of the free world.

The GOP must grow a set of patriotic balls and take back America before it is too late.

The Russians and the Trump

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The media feeding frenzy over Don Junior’s admissions of meeting with Russian’s is  important evidence confirming Russian involvement in the 2016 election. The more important issue is Putin’s power and influence at the very top levels of the American government. Western values are under attack in America and around the World. Trump emulates the totalitarian characteristics of the Russians. The critical concern is the serious damage that Trump and his administration is inflicting on the United States and the World. The Russians have gained a foothold.  The threat to American democracy will be significantly diminished by the impeachment of Donald Trump.

Whether or not the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians had very little to do with the outcome of the election. The Russians did not need Trump’s collusion, or even his knowledge to accomplish what they set out to do. It is hard to believe that Trump knew nothing of the Russian efforts. The depth and extent of his knowledge and involvement  is still in question.

Trump didn’t expect to win and was as surprised as everyone else. He probably woke up on November 9th  thinking, “Wow the KGB are really good”. Given recent history he wouldn’t be wrong. Putin and the KGB hijacked American democracy without ever firing a shot. American Intelligence was either sleeping or not able to stop them.

KGB 1    US Intelligence 0.

Putin had a motive in defeating Hillary Clinton for whom he felt  personal animosity. He also knew that she would be a difficult adversary if elected. Trump presented himself like a lamb to the slaughter.

The electorate was angry at what they perceived to be an entrenched governing class who spent their time on frivolous arguments and obstructionism, lining their pockets and the pockets of their friends. While dancing on the head of a pin, they had little or no time to care about or do something to make people’s lives better. To make America greater. The disparity between the rich and the poor had widened with the middle-class struggling and shrinking.

For Putin it was a perfect storm. Voters angry at the establishment. His target, Hillary Clinton, struggling with an overpowering unpopularity. Best of all he had Trump.  That with the KGB and all the money he needed apparently left America helpless.

Give Trump credit for recognizing the political incorrectness that matched the issues his supporters saw as a reason for their personal circumstances. They wanted and needed somebody to blame. Trump’s threats of action, building a wall and deporting immagrants, was just what they wanted to hear. Trump opened a Pandora’s Box of the ugly underbelly of America. Spewing hate and fear he trashed and threatened the people that his supporters blamed and feared.

The Russian efforts including, cyber and public relations attacks and hacks, targeted spending, and any other forms of interference, the extent of which which we are not  and may never be aware Combined with the Trump lit match tossed carelessly on the gasoline of hate and fear. Add Hillary Clinton’s  driving the Democrats into a shell all made Donald J Trump, President of the United States of America.

The only one who probably wasn’t surprised was Vladimir Putin. He had defeated Hillary. Trumps gratitude for the election may or may not work in Putin’s favour. Unless of course he has something else on Trump.

Trump has been to Russia. The extent of his political and business contacts there is unknown to the public. There certainly could be video recordings of Donald Trump engaging in “alternative” sex acts with what Vladimir Putin bragged were the best prostitutes in the world. He certainly appeared to speak with some authority. Trump is a misogynist with a deviant personality. He’s rich and used to getting or taking what he wants. It is not a stretch to imagine a man who brags about grabbing pu**y and sexual assault would get caught in such a situation. From observing his life and tweets he seems to lack the restraint which would govern most of us. Trump would claim they were “fake” and his supporters, no matter how accurate the video, would jump to his defence.

Another reason would give Putin confidence that he can influence the president. Trump and his familie’s financial dealings in Russia. The only thing Trump likes more than pu**y is money. There certainly seems to be smoke in the direction of the Trump familie’s financial involvement with Russia. One thing is certain. Whatever they’re doing, Putin and the Russian Mafia, (Putin’s enforcers) are involved. Whatever their entanglements investments and obligations it is certainly clear how that could influence Donald Trump.

The evidence supporting this comes from Donald Trump himself. Throughout the campaign to his recent meeting, he has shown a deference to Putin never before  seen or expressed by an American president. An alpha male, like Trump, with the power of the presidency and America behind him should be showing that strength and confidence, not behaving like an obedient lapdog.

The real troubling part of Trump is that he has quickly picked up the totalitarian conduct which cannot help but make one fearful for American democracy. The lack of transparency is a page right out of the Totalitarian Handbook for Dummies,( a gift from Vlad). Press conferences with no video and/or sound. A meeting in the Oval Office with Russians and Russian press when the American press are excluded. He uses the excuse that he doesn’t want to telegraph what he’s thinking. Forgetting for a moment that the telegraph operator is working overtime on his tweets, America and the world need some stability and predictability. He is destabilizing the world, but not in a good way.

The most frightening aspect of the Trump administration is its attack on the Free Press. Fox and Friends definitely speaks for the right. MSNBC and CNN have the perspective from the middle to the left. Trumps dealing with the press is nothing short of an attempt to impose his will and destroy his opposition. This while his press minions go out daily and perpetuate their masters lies while their noses grow before us.

Misogynist, pathological liar, corrupt, ruthless, shallow, are some of the words to describe Donald Trump and his administration. Are these impeachable offences? If they were  there would have been a lot of impeached presidents. An impeachable offence is whatever Congress says it is.

Trump should be removed from office because he is incapable and unfit for office. He is embarrassing America and destroying the economic and social justice gains of the last  100 years.

And to those who say that this is all just sour grapes for a lost election, open your eyes and ears. It is not just the Democrats who are standing up in horror at what this man is doing to their country, but the world. The entire world’s climate, economy and safety are threatened.  We, wherever we live are all citizens of the world. He is meeting resistance because he is pushing against the weight of the history of social and economic justice. He can damage it, but he can’t reverse it.

The Congress of the United States of America owes it to the Founding Fathers whose hope was to build a nation where something like this could not happen. They owe it to themselves as representatives of the American people they represent and serve. And, they owe it to the World with whom America must coexist.

They owe it to the future.