
Maybe America Should Have Stayed with Britain

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Those colonists loyal to King George III, left America to form my home, Canada.

I have always  admired much about the United States. Although democracy is never perfect, America flourished in their newly created country founded on freedom and liberty. I respected and appreciated America’s commitment to defend democracy and liberty around the world. They are the richest country on the planet.

Even before Trump polarized and focused America and the world’s attention on the strength or weakness of America’s democracy and social values, Trump has attacked the institutions and values that make America great. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are the cornerstones of American democracy and liberty.

Trump aside, some have begun to question America’s place as a leader and beacon for truth, fairness, justice, freedom and liberty. I look to Canada, and most of the civilized world to find universal healthcare. The world’s richest country, U.S.A, is without universal healthcare, or even meaningful healthcare while arguing about less.

Here we have political discourse which is generally civil and productive. I haven’t seen that in the United States since before Gingrich became speaker. What has followed is a continual obstructionism by both parties.

In Canada, again like most of the civilized world, we have sane and effective gun laws. Americans have to recognize that the Second Amendment was drafted in the 18th century in a different reality. Countries with more restrictive gun laws have far fewer gun deaths.

I still love America and believe the spirit of the best of the U.S.A, is the envy of the world. I, however, have realized that Americans may have been better off had they remained part of Great Britain as a colony, Dominion, member of the Commonwealth and an independent country. Chances are good that our neighbors to the south would have universal healthcare, sane gun laws, and a degree of civil, respectful and productive political discourse, with a democracy that never sunk this low.

Why Trump Really Won

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Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton had less to do with the results of the election, than the voters of both parties anger at the governing class.

Voters were tired of the less than transparent conduct by the White House and Congress treating us like the audience of a reality TV show. Create a fantasy world, conflict, tension and keep the audience entertained.

America’s voters were fed up with a directionless government which took care of themselves before they took care of the American people. They were tired of the deadlock in Washington and nothing getting done.

Patients had run out for the governing class. Those who made their lives politics. Public service was seen by the people as a ticket to all the money made available by Citizens United.

The Democratic candidate was a member of the governing class. All of those Republicans who stood on the early stages of the campaign were members of the governing class. Trump was not. He capitalized on that anger and spoke out loud all of the fear and hate of the ugly underbelly of America.

That is what elected Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is Winning?

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Donald Trump promised to bring his business experience to government.

As the head of his own personal corporation he had absolute control over all of the employees and minions who fawned over him while he praised himself and abused them. Opposition was crushed. As a self promoter he controlled because no one was better than him. No one but him could do it.

People expressed their loyalty and showed it by doing what he wanted them to do. If you ran afoul of him, he was vicious, undisciplined, and childish as he is now.

He’s really neither Republican nor a Democrat and can play both against the other. He’s positioned himself to break the deadlock that has plagued Congress for many administrations.

That is how he sees government and himself. He is the absolute undisputed head of the organization and demands complete loyalty.  Business and government legalities didn’t frighten him. They don’t now that this man is president.

Donald Trump is relentlessly attacking the Free Press. He’s running the presidency like a reality TV show. Pump up the action, create conflict and controversy, and keep the audience entertained.

He is taking action to intimidate the press and other politicians into doing his will. He is a pathological liar who believes what he says. He deflects attacks by aggrandizing himself and attacking others.

He seems to be winning. He seems to be successful in intimidating politicians, Government employees staff and the public.

The legal parameters of any Presidency, have always been what you could get away with.

I personally think Donald Trump has some severe personality disorders and mental illness and is not fit, in fact is dangerous to American the world. He is the same misogynist predator who took advantage of many women. Ran up debt. Stuck it to the little guy, and walked off with his pockets jingling.

I like most citizens of the world look on in shock that this man is the President of the United States. The problem is, so far, he’s gotten away with it. Sure the fake news made a big deal of it. He knew the truth because he made it up. It’s like the Emperor’s New Clothes except everybody’s talking about it but nobody’s doing anything about it.

It just creeps up on you. The bullying and intimidation. Everyone except his family is fair game. Congress and Scotus seem to be towing the line. The freedoms will slowly disappear. Free speech and the truth are his enemies. He will subvert both the Democrats and Republicans and play them against each other. Everyone seems to be afraid to confront or run afoul of him.

Trump truly believes that he knows better than anyone else and is the only one who can do the job. That’s one of the hallmarks of a dictator. America better be very vigilant or you will wake up one morning and realize that it’s too late for free speech, truth and democracy.

Fear and hate are the currency he uses to excite his base. They are the thugs who will silence those who oppose Trump.

Meanwhile he goes on in the cloud that is Donald Trump imitating Mussolini (who I think he resembles in his facial expressions when he speaks at his rallies) and other dictators who plagued society.

Somebody do something soon! Before it is too late!

Government is Not a Business

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Donald Trump came to power promising to apply his business experience to running the government. Forget for a moment the realities of his business experience which lack ethics. Consider his modus operandi of using debt and bankruptcy to profit at the expense of the hard-working small businessmen who worked for him. Government is not a business.

The principles of running a business do not apply and do not work in running a government.

In business Trump was the boss. He could do whatever he wanted to do. His only considerations were making money and building his brand. There was little or no room for dissenting opinions. If he didn’t like the job you were doing, you were fired. His only constituency was himself, his family and his businesses.

Government doesn’t have a bottom-line. Healthcare and Education are investments whose success are not measured in dollars and cents. It is measured in the lives that are saved and enhanced. Government is always an exercise in pay it forward. It is measured in the social and scientific advancements which save lives and make lives in the world better.

Government in the free world democracies is a process of balance and compromise. This is not a characteristic often found in running businesses. Government is the process of debating the social and political issues to try and come to a consensus that improves the life of the nation and its citizens.

Government is there to give voice to the disenfranchised. One of the best examples is Lyndon Johnson. His success with Medicaid, his war on poverty, civil rights and voting rights, are proof that government can make a significant difference in people’s lives. if not for Lyndon Johnson it is doubtful that Barack Obama would have become president. Without Lyndon Johnson he may not be able to vote.

Government exists for entirely different reasons than a business. It has different goals, responsibilities, and methods. It success is measured in markedly different ways and with significantly different criteria than a business.

Trump and his administration are clear proof that businessmen are not suited to govern using business principles and methods. It has been a disaster for Trump, America, and the world.

The drama and infighting between Trump and the members of his administration are further proof that you cannot operate as president in the same way you run your own business. The public nature of government is a far cry from the behind closed doors autocratic style which works in business.

Trump clearly does not understand this. American democracy is paying the price. Never in the history of the United States of America has the nation been held in such low esteem by the rest of the world. Not since the Revolutionary war has America faced such a threat to their democracy, as they do today.

Americans have to restore the kind of government that puts the people first. The GOP needs to grow a pair of patriotic balls and take back American democracy.





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“We can’t mortgage our children’s future.” I have heard that from politicians and others for as long as I can remember. I have never understood this. I have a house. I have a mortgage. Without it I would not have a house. Without mortgaging the future, we won’t have one.

“We cannot live beyond our means.”  Another premise of those who hold this view.

I am puzzled by this. Government is not like a business or a person. Their purpose and modus opperendis are very different.

Education, Health Care, Environment,  Social Services, and Military  are expenditures are investments without a bottom line.  They are investments  in our future with  an outcome that can not be quantified in financial terms.

No one will ever get a notice of national foreclosure. “Everyone East of the Mississippi go to the Atlantic and those to the West go to the Pacific. You are being evicted.”

Our future was mortgaged by leaders like FDR and LBJ who lifted and enfranchised the economically and socially disadvantaged. If not for them and others like them, most Social Assistance , Medicare and  voting rights would still be just dreams. I am grateful that my future was mortgaged for a better today.